Support for Arduino 1.8.5 USBHost_t36: HID parsing, improved Mouse driver, new Joystick driver, hub driver fixes, idVendor() & idProduct() functions, keyboard improvements (Kurt) Audio: fix stereo DAC right channel bug, fix DAC clipping overflow issue, fix FFT256 with LTO optimize (Frank) Updated: Snooze, FastCRC, i2c_t3, TinyGPS, TeensyThreads Fix systick hang when yield() overridden Show warning for certain counterfeit boards, but still allow upload Linux Teensy Loader now uses udev to find USB devices Fix delay when uploading on Linux Fix missing upload error messages in newer Arduino Fix race condition causing "Teensy Loader is unable to read your compiled sketch (r)" Since 1.40-beta3 Update FastCRC & TeensyThreads USBHost_t36 idVendor() & idProduct() functions Fix Audio FFT256 with LTO optimize (Frank)