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Getting Started With MicrocontrollersThis hands-on workshop will show you how to interface simple circuitry to a microcontroller and write code to make it work. Being a tiny computer in a chip, a microcontroller can be the "brain" for all sorts of projects. If you've purchased a board, or wanted to, or completed the Arduino Cult Induction and wondered how to start using it, this workshop is for you.
If you already own a microcontroller board, cable (eg, from the Arduino Cult Induction) and breadboard, you only need the $10 workshop. If you have nothing, the $40 full kit is recommended. Alternately, you can buy the individual pieces of needed. Special note: If you select either workshop option, there will be no shipping charge! The shopping cart requires a shipping choice, which will be fixed soon. Don't worry, we won't charge shipping and any parts you buy will be waiting for you at the workshop on Oct 5.
What you will need at the workshop: