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PAULMON1 Custom Configuration

Note: PAULMON2 is now available. It's a great improvement over the original version. The original code will remain available, mostly for history's sake. Please use version 2. It really does work much better, and it does a lot more.
Default Ram Location (hexidecimal):

Baud Rate:
115200 57600 38400 31250 (MIDI) 19200 9600 7200 4800 2400 1800 1200 600 300 110 50 Auto Detect

Crystals (for standard baud rates):
22.1184 MHz 14.7456 MHz 11.0592 MHz 7.3728 MHz 3.6864 MHz 1.8432 MHz
Other Cyrstals:
32.00 MHz 24.00 MHz 20.00 MHz 16.00 MHz 12.00 MHz 10.00 MHz 8.00 MHz 6.144 MHz 6.00 MHz 5.0688 MHz 5.00 MHz 4.9152 MHz 4.1943 MHz 4.00 MHz 3.579545 MHz 3.072 MHz 3.00 MHz 2.4576 MHz 2.00 MHz 1.00 MHz

It should attempt to send you the Intel HEX format object code which you use to program your EPROM or 87C52. This form actually runs the AS31 Assembler to produce your customized request, so it make take a moment if our system is busy.

PAULMON1, Custom Configuration Form, Paul Stoffregen
Last updated: February 24, 2005
Status: This customize form is under development, use with caution.
Suggestions, comments, criticisms?? <>