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MT8D432(X) For the latest data sheet revisions, please refer to the Micron Web site: www.micron.com/mti/msp/html/datasheet.html
FPM Operating Mode
4 Meg x 32
NOTE: Symbols in parentheses are not used on these modules but may be used for other modules in this product family. They are for reference only.
KEY TIMING PARAMETERSEDO Operating ModeSPEED tRC tRAC tPC tAA tCAC tCAS -5 84ns 50ns 20ns 25ns 13ns 8ns -6 104ns 60ns 25ns 30ns 15ns 10ns FPM Operating ModeSPEED tRC tRAC tPC tAA tCAC tRP -6 110ns 60ns 35ns 30ns 15ns 40ns GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MT8D432(X) and MT16D832(X) are randomly ac cessed, 16MB and 32MB solid-state memories organized in a x32 configuration. During READ or WRITE cycles, each bit is uniquely addressed through 22 address bits that are entered 11 bits (A0-A10) at a time. RAS# is used to latch the first 11 bits and CAS# the latter 11 bits. READ and WRITE cycles are selected with the WE# input. A logic HIGH on WE# dictates read mode, while a logic LOW on WE# dictates write mode. During a WRITE cycle, data-in (D) is latched by the falling edge of CAS#. Since WE# goes LOW prior to CAS# going LOW, the output pin(s) remain open (High-Z) until the next CAS# cycle.FAST PAGE MODEFAST-PAGE-MODE operations allow faster data operations (READ or WRITE) within a row-address- defined page boundary. The FAST-PAGE-MODE cycle is always initiated with a row address strobed in by RAS#, followed by a column address strobed in by CAS#. Additional columns may be accessed by providing valid column addresses, strobing CAS# and holding RAS# LOW, thus executing faster memory cycles. Returning RAS# HIGH terminates the FAST-PAGE-MODE operation.EDO PAGE MODEEDO PAGE MODE, designated by the "X" version, is an accelerated FAST-PAGE-MODE cycle. The primary advantage of EDO is the availability of data-out even after CAS# goes back HIGH. EDO provides for CAS# precharge time (tCP) to occur without the output data going invalid. This elimination of CAS# output control provides for pipelined READs.FAST-PAGE-MODE modules have traditionally turned the output buffers off (High-Z) with the rising edge of CAS#. EDO operates like FAST-PAGE-MODE READs, ex- cept data will be held valid or become valid after CAS# goes HIGH, as long as RAS# and OE# are held LOW. (Refer to the MT4C4M4E8 DRAM data sheet for additional information on EDO functionality.) REFRESHReturning RAS# and CAS# HIGH terminates a memory cycle and decreases chip current to a reduced standby level. Also, the chip is preconditioned for the next cycle during the RAS# HIGH time. Memory cell data is retained in its correct state by maintaining power and executing any RAS# cycle (READ, WRITE) or RAS# REFRESH cycle (RAS#- ONLY, CBR or HIDDEN) so that all 2,048 combinations of RAS# addresses are executed at least every 32ms, regard- less of sequence. The CBR REFRESH cycle will invoke the refresh counter for automatic RAS# addressing. terminates the FAST-PAGE-MODE operation.x16 CONFIGURATIONFor x16 applications, the corresponding DQ and CAS# pins must be connected together (DQ1 to DQ17, DQ2 to DQ18 and so forth, and CAS0# to CAS2# and CAS1# to CAS3#). Each RAS# is then a bank select for the x16 memory organization.
JEDEC-DEFINED PRESENCE-DETECT MT8D432(X) (16MB) SYMBOL PIN -5* -6 PRD1 67 VSS VSS PRD2 68 NC NC PRD3 69 VSS NC PRD4 70 VSS NC JEDEC-DEFINED PRESENCE-DETECT MT16D832(X) (32MB) SYMBOL PIN -5* -6 PRD1 67 NC NC PRD2 68 VSS VSS PRD3 69 VSS NC PRD4 70 VSS NC *EDO version only FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM, MT8D432(X) (16MB)![]() FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM, MT16D832(X) (32MB)![]() ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Voltage on Any Pin Relative to VSS .................. -1V to +7V Operating Temperature, TA (ambient) ............... 0°C to +70°C Storage Temperature (plastic)................... -55°C to +125°C Power Dissipation ........................................... 8W Short Circuit Output Current .............................. 50mA*Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability. DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND OPERATING CONDITIONS(Notes: 1) (VDD = +5V ±10%)
PARAMETER/CONDITION SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS NOTES SUPPLY VOLTAGE VDD 4.5 5.5 V INPUT HIGH VOLTAGE: Logic 1; All inputs VIH 2.4 VDD + 1 V INPUT LOW VOLTAGE: Logic 0; All inputs VIL -1.0 0.8 V INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT: RAS0#-RAS3# II1 -8 8 µA Any input 0V VIN 5.5V A0-A10, WE# II2 -32 32 µA 23 (All other pins not under test = 0V) CAS0#-CAS3# II3 -8 8 µA 23 OUTPUT LEAKAGE CURRENT: DQ1-DQ32 IOZ -10 10 µA 23 (DQ is disabled; 0V VOUT 5.5V) OUTPUT LEVELS: VOH 2.4 V Output High Voltage (IOUT = -5mA) Output Low Voltage (IOUT = 4.2mA) VOL 0.4 V ICC SPECIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS(Notes: 1, 5, 6) (VDD = +5V ±10%) MAX PARAMETER/CONDITION SYMBOL SIZE -5* -6 UNITS NOTES STANDBY CURRENT: FAST PAGE MODE (TTL) ICC1 16MB 16 mA (RAS# = CAS# = VIH) 32MB 32 STANDBY CURRENT: EDO PAGE MODE (TTL) ICC2 16MB 8 8 mA (RAS# = CAS# = VIH) 32MB 16 16 STANDBY CURRENT: (CMOS) ICC3 16MB 4 4 mA (RAS# = CAS# = other inputs = VDD - 0.2V) 32MB 8 8 OPERATING CURRENT: Random READ/WRITE 16MB 1120 1040 mA 3, 22 Average power supply current ICC4 (RAS#, CAS#, address cycling: tRC = tRC [MIN]) 32MB 1128 1048 OPERATING CURRENT: FAST PAGE MODE 16MB 800 mA 3, 22 Average power supply current ICC5 (RAS# = VIL, CAS#, address cycling: tPC = tPC [MIN] 32MB 816 OPERATING CURRENT: EDO PAGE MODE ICC6 16MB 880 800 mA 3, 22 Average power supply current (X only) (RAS# = VIL, CAS#, address cycling: tPC = tPC [MIN]) 32MB 888 808 REFRESH CURRENT: RAS#-ONLY 16MB 1120 1040 Average power supply current ICC7 mA 3, 22 (RAS# cycling, CAS# = VIH: tRC = tRC [MIN]) 32MB 1128 1048 REFRESH CURRENT: CBR 16MB 1120 1040 Average power supply current ICC8 mA 3, 4 (RAS#, CAS#, address cycling: tRC = tRC [MIN]) 32MB 1128 1048*EDO version only CAPACITANCEMAX PARAMETER SYMBOL 16MB 32MB UNITS NOTES Input Capacitance: A0-A10 CI1 48 95 pF 2 Input Capacitance: WE# CI2 64 127 pF 2 Input Capacitance: RAS0#-RAS3# CI3 32 32 pF 2 Input Capacitance: CAS0#-CAS3# CI4 16 32 pF 2 Input/Output Capacitance: DQ1-DQ32 CIO 10 16 pF 2 AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, FAST PAGE MODE(Notes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) (VDD = +5V ±10%)
AC CHARACTERISTICS - FAST PAGE MODE OPTION -6 PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS NOTES Access time from column address tAA 30 ns Column-address hold time (referenced to RAS#) tAR 45 ns Column-address setup time tASC 0 ns Row-address setup time tASR 0 ns Access time from CAS# tCAC 15 ns Column-address hold time tCAH 10 ns CAS# pulse width tCAS 15 10,000 ns CAS# hold time (CBR Refresh) tCHR 10 ns 4 CAS# to output in Low-Z tCLZ 3 ns 21 CAS# precharge time tCP 10 ns 13 Access time from CAS# precharge tCPA 35 ns CAS# to RAS# precharge time tCRP 5 ns CAS# hold time tCSH 60 ns CAS# setup time (CBR Refresh) tCSR 5 ns 4 WRITE command to CAS# lead time tCWL 15 ns Data-in hold time tDH 10 ns 18 Data-in setup time tDS 0 ns 18 Output buffer turn-off delay tOFF 3 15 ns 17, 21 FAST-PAGE-MODE READ or WRITE cycle time tPC 35 ns Access time from RAS# tRAC 60 ns RAS# to column-address delay time tRAD 15 ns 15 Row-address hold time tRAH 10 ns RAS# pulse width tRAS 60 10,000 ns RAS# pulse width (FAST PAGE MODE) tRASP 60 125,000 ns Random READ or WRITE cycle time tRC 110 ns RAS# to CAS# delay time tRCD 20 ns 14 READ command hold time (referenced to CAS#) tRCH 0 ns 16 READ command setup time tRCS 0 ns Refresh period (2,048 cycles) tREF 32 ms RAS# precharge time tRP 40 ns RAS# to CAS# precharge time tRPC 0 ns READ command hold time (referenced to RAS#) tRRH 0 ns 16 RAS# hold time tRSH 15 ns WRITE command to RAS# lead time tRWL 15 ns Transition time (rise or fall) tT 2 50 ns WRITE command hold time tWCH 10 ns WRITE command hold time (referenced to RAS#) tWCR 45 ns WE# command setup time tWCS 0 ns WRITE command pulse width tWP 10 ns WE# hold time (CBR Refresh) tWRH 10 ns WE# setup time (CBR Refresh) tWRP 10 ns AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS, EDO PAGE MODE(Notes: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) (VDD = +5V ±10%)
AC CHARACTERISTICS - EDO PAGE MODE OPTION -5 -6 PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS NOTES Access time from column address tAA 25 30 ns Column-address set-up to CAS# precharge tACH 12 15 ns Column-address hold time (referenced to RAS#) tAR 38 45 ns Column-address setup time tASC 0 0 ns Row-address setup time tASR 0 0 ns Access time from CAS# tCAC 13 15 ns Column-address hold time tCAH 8 10 ns CAS# pulse width tCAS 8 10,000 10 10,000 ns CAS# hold time (CBR Refresh) tCHR 8 10 ns 4 CAS# to output in Low-Z tCLZ 0 0 ns Data output hold after next CAS# LOW tCOH 3 3 ns CAS# precharge time tCP 8 10 ns 13 Access time from CAS# precharge tCPA 28 35 ns CAS# to RAS# precharge time tCRP 5 5 ns CAS# hold time tCSH 38 45 ns CAS# setup time (CBR Refresh) tCSR 5 5 ns 4 WRITE command to CAS# lead time tCWL 8 10 ns Data-in hold time tDH 8 10 ns 18 Data-in setup time tDS 0 0 ns 18 Output buffer turn-off delay tOFF 0 12 0 15 ns 17, 21 EDO-PAGE-MODE READ or WRITE cycle time tPC 20 25 ns Access time from RAS# tRAC 50 60 ns RAS# to column-address delay time tRAD 9 12 ns 15 Row-address hold time tRAH 9 10 ns RAS# pulse width tRAS 50 10,000 60 10,000 ns RAS# pulse width (EDO PAGE MODE) tRASP 50 125,000 60 125,000 ns Random READ or WRITE cycle time tRC 84 104 ns RAS# to CAS# delay time tRCD 11 14 ns 14 READ command hold time (referenced to CAS#) tRCH 0 0 ns 16 READ command setup time tRCS 0 0 ns Refresh period (2,048 cycles) tREF 32 32 ms RAS# precharge time tRP 30 40 ns RAS# to CAS# precharge time tRPC 5 5 ns READ command hold time (referenced to RAS#) tRRH 0 0 ns 16 RAS# hold time tRSH 13 15 ns WRITE command to RAS# lead time tRWL 13 15 ns Transition time (rise or fall) tT 2 50 2 50 ns WRITE command hold time tWCH 8 10 ns WRITE command hold time (referenced to RAS#) tWCR 38 45 ns WE# command setup time tWCS 0 0 ns Output disable delay from WE# tWHZ 0 12 0 15 ns WRITE command pulse width tWP 5 5 ns WE# pulse to disable at CAS# HIGH tWPZ 10 10 ns WE# hold time (CBR Refresh) tWRH 8 10 ns WE# setup time (CBR Refresh) tWRP 8 10 ns NOTES
READ CYCLE (FAST PAGE MODE Module)![]() FAST PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -6 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS t t AA 30 ns RAC 60 ns t t AR 45 ns RAD 15 ns t t ASC 0 ns RAH 10 ns t t ASR 0 ns RAS 60 10,000 ns t t CAC 15 ns RC 110 ns t t CAH 10 ns RCD 20 ns t t CAS 15 10,000 ns RCH 0 ns t t CLZ 3 ns RCS 0 ns t t CRP 5 ns RP 40 ns t t CSH 60 ns RRH 0 ns t t OFF 3 15 ns RSH 15 ns READ CYCLE (EDO PAGE MODE Module)![]() EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5 -6 -5 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS tAA 25 30 ns tRAC 50 60 ns tAR 38 45 ns tRAD 9 12 ns tASC 0 0 ns tRAH 9 10 ns tASR 0 0 ns tRAS 50 10,000 60 10,000 ns tCAC 13 15 ns tRC 84 104 ns tCAH 8 10 ns tRCD 11 14 ns tCAS 8 10,000 10 10,000 ns tRCH 0 0 ns tCLZ 0 0 ns tRCS 0 0 ns tCRP 5 5 ns tRP 30 40 ns tCSH 38 45 ns tRRH 0 0 ns tOFF 0 12 0 15 ns tRSH 13 15 nsNOTE: 1. tOFF is referenced from rising edge of RAS# or CAS#, whichever occurs last. EARLY WRITE CYCLE25![]() FAST PAGE MODE AND EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5* -6 -5* -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS t t ACH (EDO) 12 15 ns RAD (EDO) 9 12 ns t t AR 38 45 ns RAH 9 10 ns t t ASC 0 0 ns RAS 50 10,000 60 10,000 ns t t ASR 0 0 ns RC (FPM) 110 ns t t CAH 8 10 ns RC (EDO) 84 104 ns t t CAS (FPM) 15 10,000 ns RCD (FPM) 20 ns t t CAS (EDO) 8 10,000 10 10,000 ns RCD (EDO) 11 14 ns t t CRP 5 5 ns RP 30 40 ns t t CSH (FPM) 60 ns RSH 13 15 ns t t CSH (EDO) 38 45 ns RWL 13 15 ns t t CWL (FPM) 15 ns WCH 8 10 ns t t CWL (EDO) 8 10 ns WCR 38 45 ns t t DH 8 10 ns WCS 0 0 ns t t DS 0 0 ns WP (FPM) 10 ns t t RAD (FPM) 15 ns WP (EDO) 5 5 ns*EDO version only FAST-PAGE-MODE READ CYCLE![]() FAST PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -6 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS t t AA 30 ns OFF 3 15 ns t t AR 45 ns PC 35 ns t t ASC 0 ns RAC 60 ns t t ASR 0 ns RAD 15 ns t t CAC 15 ns RAH 10 ns t t CAH 10 ns RASP 60 125,000 ns t t CAS 15 10,000 ns RCD 20 ns t t CLZ 3 ns RCH 0 ns t t CP 10 ns RCS 0 ns t t CPA 35 ns RP 40 ns t t CRP 5 ns RRH 0 ns t t CSH 60 ns RSH 15 ns EDO-PAGE-MODE READ CYCLE![]() EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5 -6 -5 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS t t AA 25 30 ns CSH 38 45 ns t t ACH 12 15 ns OFF 0 12 0 15 ns t t AR 38 45 ns PC 20 25 ns t t ASC 0 0 ns RAC 50 60 ns t t ASR 0 0 ns RAD 9 12 ns t t CAC 13 15 ns RAH 9 10 ns t t CAH 8 10 ns RASP 50 125,000 60 125,000 ns t t CAS 8 10,000 10 10,000 ns RCD 11 14 ns t t CLZ 0 0 ns RCH 0 0 ns t t COH 3 3 ns RCS 0 0 ns t t CP 8 10 ns RP 30 40 ns t t CPA 28 35 ns RRH 0 0 ns t t CRP 5 5 ns RSH 13 15 ns FAST-PAGE-MODE EARLY-WRITE CYCLE![]() FAST PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -6 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS t t AR 45 ns RAD 15 ns t t ASC 0 ns RAH 10 ns t t ASR 0 ns RASP 60 125,000 ns t t CAH 10 ns RCD 20 ns t t CAS 15 10,000 ns RP 40 ns t t CP 10 ns RSH 15 ns t t CRP 5 ns RWL 15 ns t t CSH 60 ns WCH 10 ns t t CWL 15 ns WCR 45 ns t t DH 10 ns WCS 0 ns t t DS 0 ns WP 10 ns tPC 35 ns EDO-PAGE-MODE EARLY-WRITE CYCLE![]() EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5 -6 -5 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS t t ACH 12 15 ns PC 20 25 ns t t AR 38 45 ns RAD 9 12 ns t t ASC 0 0 ns RAH 9 10 ns t t ASR 0 0 ns RASP 50 125,000 60 125,000 ns t t CAH 8 10 ns RCD 11 14 ns t t CAS 8 10,000 10 10,000 ns RP 30 40 ns t t CP 8 10 ns RSH 13 15 ns t t CRP 5 5 ns RWL 13 15 ns t t CSH 38 45 ns WCH 8 10 ns t t CWL 8 10 ns WCR 38 45 ns t t DH 8 10 ns WCS 0 0 ns t t DS 0 0 ns WP 5 5 ns EDO-PAGE-MODE READ-EARLY-WRITE CYCLE (Pseudo READ-MODIFY-WRITE)![]() EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5 -6 -5 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS t t AA 25 30 ns DS 0 0 ns t t ACH 12 15 ns PC 20 25 ns t t AR 38 45 ns RAC 50 60 ns t t ASC 0 0 ns RAD 9 12 ns t t ASR 0 0 ns RAH 9 10 ns t t CAC 13 15 ns RASP 50 125,000 60 125,000 ns t t CAH 8 10 ns RCD 11 14 ns t t CAS 8 10,000 10 10,000 ns RCH 0 0 ns t t COH 3 3 ns RCS 0 0 ns t t CP 8 10 ns RP 30 40 ns t t CPA 28 35 ns RSH 13 15 ns t t CRP 5 5 ns WCH 8 10 ns t t CSH 38 45 ns WCS 0 0 ns t t DH 8 10 ns WHZ 0 12 0 15 ns FAST-PAGE-MODE READ-EARLY-WRITE CYCLE (Pseudo READ-MODIFY-WRITE)![]() FAST PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -6 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX UNITS t t AA 30 ns OFF 3 15 ns t t AR 45 ns PC 35 ns t t ASC 0 ns RAC 60 ns t t ASR 0 ns RAD 15 ns t t CAC 15 ns RAH 10 ns t t CAH 10 ns RASP 60 125,000 ns t t CAS 15 10,000 ns RCD 20 ns t t CLZ 3 ns RCS 0 ns t t CP 10 ns RP 40 ns t t CRP 5 ns RSH 15 ns t t CSH 60 ns RWL 15 ns t t CWL 15 ns WCH 10 ns t t DH 10 ns WCS 0 ns t t DS 0 ns WP 10 ns EDO READ CYCLE (with WE#-controlled disable)![]() EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5 -6 -5 -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS tAA 25 30 ns tCSH 38 45 ns tAR 38 45 ns tRAC 50 60 ns tASC 0 0 ns tRAD 9 12 ns tASR 0 0 ns tRAH 9 10 ns tCAC 13 15 ns tRCD 11 14 ns tCAH 8 10 ns tRCH 0 0 ns tCAS 8 10,000 10 10,000 ns tRCS 0 0 ns tCLZ 0 0 ns tWHZ 0 12 0 15 ns tCP 8 10 ns tWPZ 10 10 ns tCRP 5 5 ns RAS#-ONLY REFRESH CYCLE 25![]()
CBR REFRESH CYCLE 25 (Addresses = DON'T CARE)![]() FAST PAGE MODE AND EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5* -6 -5* -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS t t ASR 0 0 ns RC (FPM) 110 ns t t CHR (FPM) 10 ns RC (EDO) 84 104 ns t t CHR (EDO) 8 10 ns RP 30 40 ns t t CP 8 10 ns RPC (FPM) 0 ns t t CRP 5 5 ns RPC (EDO) 5 5 ns t t CSR 5 5 ns WRH 8 10 ns t t RAH 9 10 ns WRP 8 10 ns tRAS 50 10,000 60 10,000 ns*EDO version only HIDDEN REFRESH CYCLE 20, 25 (WE# = HIGH)![]() FAST PAGE MODE AND EDO PAGE MODE TIMING PARAMETERS -5* -6 -5* -6 SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS SYMBOL MIN MAX MIN MAX UNITS t t AA 25 30 ns OFF (EDO) 0 12 0 15 ns t t AR 38 45 ns RAC 50 60 ns t t ASC 0 0 ns RAD (FPM) 15 ns t t ASR 0 0 ns RAD (EDO) 9 12 ns t t CAC 13 15 ns RAH 9 10 ns t t CAH 8 10 ns RAS 50 10,000 60 10,000 ns t t CHR 8 10 ns RCD (FPM) 20 ns t t CLZ (FPM) 3 ns RCD (EDO) 11 14 ns t t CLZ (EDO) 0 0 ns RP 30 40 ns t t CRP 5 5 ns RSH 13 15 ns tOFF (FPM) 3 15 ns*EDO version only 72-Pin SIMM (16MB)![]()
72-Pin SIMM (32MB)![]() NOTE: 1. All dimensions in inches (millimeters) MAX or typical where noted.
8000 S. Federal Way, P.O. Box 6, Boise, ID 83707-0006, Tel: 208-368-3900 |