Lightbar – Light Painting

Iamthesoundman made LightBar,  a cool light painting project.

Light painting is a technique where exposures are made by moving a hand-held light source while taking a long exposure photograph.

This project uses a Raspberry Pi running a Python script that sends the image data to a Teensy which drives the LEDs.

Code for the project can be found on LightBar project page.

Ergo60 Keyboard

Warren Janssens made his own 60 key ergonomic keyboard.

This sleek keyboard is made with minimal components for a small footprint.  It has 2 hand clusters with 25 keys each and 2 thumb clusters with 5 keys each.

The code is a fork of TMK and you can find it on GitHub.


Pioneer CDJ 800 MIDI Retrofit

Lee Smith (ada DJ Legion) took a faulty Pioneer CDJ-100 digital CD Deck and turned into a MIDI device.

Lee is a DJ on the weekends at a large club, and by day repairs Technics and Pioneer gear.  The challenge of retrofitting a dead Pioneer CD Deck was right up his alley.  He published a great 7 part video series on the process.  You can find the videos here on his You Tube channel.

Code for the project can be found on GitHub.


LED Fur Coat

Veteze was inspired at BurningMan to make an LED Vest.

The vest has 465 LEDs (shown in the first picture without the diffusing fur attached) and runs for about 4 hours on battery power.  Even with a low luminosity value, the LEDs are still pretty bright.

You can find the code for the project in this forum thread, as well as some good discussion about how the code was improved with some help of other forum participants.

MIDI to Control Voltage Converter

elkayem has made a custom MIDI to control voltage converter (in a nifty 3-D printed case) that works as an interface between a computer (or iPad) and an analog synthesizer.

It’s a multi-channel USB MIDI to CV converter based on the Teensy 2.0, the perfect interface between your computer or iPad and an analog synthesizer. It can independently drive up to three oscillators with 1V/octave CV inputs.

This device has the following features:

  • Three channel Note CV output (88 keys, 1V/octave, MIDI channels 1-3) using a 12-bit DAC
  • Configurable note priority for each channel (Top Note, Bottom Note, or Last Note Priority)
  • 5V Gate/Trigger outputs, where each channel can be independently configured to either output a gate (output high for entire length of time that note is on) or trigger (20 msec pulse each time a new note is initiated)
  • Velocity CV output (0 to 4V) for each channel
  • Pitch Bend CV output (0.5 +/- 0.5V), which can be configured for channel 1, 2, or 3
  • Control Change CV output (0 to 4V), which can be configured for channel 1, 2, or 3
  • OLED user interface, used for setting parameters and saving to EEPROM

Project files as well as detailed project build information can be found on this GitHub page.

Wet iPhone Fix

deeproot2k rescued a wet iPhone with in impromptu hack of his food dehydrator with a Teensy-LC

After the iPhone was dropped in a sink an attempt was made to dry it out in a bag of rice.  The results weren’t great so plan b was to dry it out with a food dehydrator.  Because the dehydrator gets too hot for the iPhone, a Teensy-LC was hooked up to a relay connected to the dehydrator to turn it on for 5 minutes and off for 15 minutes for a total of about 3 hours.  The end result – a working iPhone.


Apple Piie, Apple 2 Emulator

IIeBoy wanted to run old Apple //e games from his youth.  After looking at different options he decided that building his emulator was the best route.

In the first version of the project an old faulty Apple //e was gutted with the parts sent on to good homes.  A Raspberry Pie B is used along with a Teensy ++ 2.0 with a Retro Connector for the keyboard.

Ulitmately IIeBoy found the Pi was a little too slow, so he updated the project to use an Nintendo Wii to emulate the Apple //e.

This video shows the Apple WIIe working with a Wii remote.