EBTKS Solid State Tape Drive for the HP-85

Adding new features to old computers is one of our favorite project types, as it keeps hardware out of the trash and gives the device a new lease on life.

Philip Freidin’s description of the EBTKS project certainly sounds like it has been an incredible journey, and the functionality that it adds to the HP-85 is positively mind-blowing.

A brief overview of the EBTKS’ features includes:

  • tape drive emulation, using a 16GB mSD card to hold up to 200,000 tapes
  • floppy and Winchester disk drive emulation via mSD
  • ROM, RAM and Extended memory emulation
  • jumperless configuration via text file
  • over 70 new keywords
  • an EPS32 co-processor (under development)

Find out more and order yours on the EBTKS web page.