JackAL µBITX Add-On Board

We love seeing ham radios built around Teensy, but to paraphrase Xzibit, Jack (W8TEE) and Al (AC8GY) heard you like ham radio kits, so they made the JackAL (get it?) add-on kit for your µBITX transceiver kit, so you can…well we’ll get to what it lets you do…

Rewinding for a moment, the µBITX itself is a HF SSB/CW transceiver kit (that’s High Frequency, Single Side-Band/Continuous Waveform aka Morse code) with digital tuning, a Morse code keyer, and more, designed to be an approachable, understandable radio that you can build yourself. The JackAL add-on board adds a high-resolution 800×480 TFT touch screen, hardware AGC (automatic gain control), and extensive DSP audio functions. A large rotary encoder facilitates fine-tuning, and user presets for most settings are conveniently stored in EEPROM. The kit comes with SMD components pre-populated — just bring your own Teensy 3.6 and Audio Adaptor Board, plus the display of your choice. More information can be found at the µBITX enthusiast site ubitx.net, as well as a dedicated Groups.io site.