Midbar – DIY Hardware Data Vault

Northstrix (Max) has been working on various iterations of the Midbar DIY Hardware Data Vault, with the latest V3.0 using Teensy 4.1.

These days, everyone uses a password manager (right? if you’re reading this and not using a password manager, remove all of those Post-It notes from around your monitor and go download Bitwarden right now, set it up, and come back when you’re done — we’ll wait!), but Northstrix posits that using a PC-based password manager leaves it vulnerable to malicious processes running on the same machine.

The latest version of Midbar features password, credit card, phone number, and note vaults, plus an encrypted book reader, a data encryptor/decryptor, and data hasher. Teensy’s USB Host functionality enables the connection of a keyboard. Up to 16 logins and 10 credit cards can be stored in EEPROM, with mSD card storage expanding those numbers greatly depending on available storage. 3DES + AES + Blowfish + Serpent Encryption keeps your data safe, and EEPROM is checked for tampering with each unlock. Full instructions to make your own can be found on Instructables, with source code and more project details available on GitHub.