Blog Posts

LED Wall Visualizer

James Best a very cool wall mounted LED music visualizer that lights up his room more than the over-head lights do.

Armed with blue tape and some hand tools, James got to work mounting 900 WS2812 LEDs.  After a miss-step with some Gaffers tape and some sanding, the adhesive on the LED strips adhered nicely to the wooden base.  The original Arduino didn’t have quite the processing power needed for the project, but the Teensy 3.2 with built in Direct Memory Access (DMA) was up to the task.  The final enhancement to the project was a diffuser to help hide the internal components.

Additional information on the project can be found on this page.



Dandelion Hunter

Arduino “having11” Guy created an autonomous robot to hunt down and destroy dandelions.

After being frustrated a dandelions out pacing his grass between mows,  Arduino Guy (who also does project consulting for) built a robot using a Devastator Tank Cassis from DFRobots, a Pixy2 Camera, and a Teensy 3.5, to roam a yard to identify dandelions and chop them down.

Additional details as wells as the code is available on this project page.

High Precision Sine Wave Synthesis Using Taylor Series

Normally sine waves are generated on microcontrollers using a table lookup.

Lookup tables are perfect when wavelength happens to be an exact multiple of the sample rate, because you never actually need to know the values in between the table’s stored points.

But if you want to generate waveforms at any frequency without changing your sample rate, you end up needing points on the waveform that are between two entries in the table.  Four approaches are possible.

  1. Use the prior point, even if the next point would have been better
  2. Use the prior or next point, whichever is closer
  3. Use both nearest points with linear interpolation
  4. Use 3 or more nearest points, with spline or other non-linear interpolation

With any of these, larger lookup tables give better accuracy.  Since sine waves have symmetry, some programmers choose to store only 1/4 of the waveform and add slight overhead to map the other 3 quadrants onto the smaller table.

The Teensy Audio Library uses approach #3 for normal sine wave synthesis.  The vast majority of sine wave examples in the Arduino ecosystem use approach #1.

If you want a sine wave with extremely low distortion, where 16 or 20 or even 24 bits are within +/- 1 from an ideal sine wave, you would need an extremely large table!

Ideally, you’d want to be able to very rapidly compute an accurate sine value for any 32 bit resolution phase angle, so your samples always line up to an ideal sine wave.

Sine can be computed using Taylor series approximation.  The formula is: (where x is the angle, in radians)

sin(x) = x – (x^3)/3! + (x^5)/5! – (x^7)/7! + (x^9)/9! – (x^11)/11! + ….

This series goes on forever, but each extra terms makes the approximation rapidly converge to the true value.  In doing quite a lot of testing, I discovered the C library function on Linux for sin() uses this approximation, to only the (x^7)/7! term.  I also found a few sites talking about going to the (x^9)/9! for “professional quality” audio.

One nice advantage of cutting off the Taylor series with on of the subtracted powers (3, 7, 11, etc) is the tiny remaining error will always be slightly less than the true ideal sine value.  This means the final result does not need be checked for greater than 1.00000 and rounded down to fit into the maximum value of an integer.

If you’re still reading by this point, you’re probably shaking your head, thinking this couldn’t possibly be practical in a microcontroller.  That’s a complex equation with floating point numbers, and huge values in x^11 and 11!, since 11 factorial happens to be 39916800.

However, this Taylor series equation can be computed very efficiently, by exploiting the Cortex-M4 DSP extension instructions and bit shift operations, where the phase angle from 0 up to 2π is mapped from 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF.

The code I’m sharing here implements this equation to the (x^11)/11! term using 32 bit integers, using only 12 multiply instructions, which execute in a single cycle on Cortex-M4.  The add & subtract take zero CPU time, since those multiply instructions also come in flavors that do a multiply-and-accumulate, either positive or negative accumulate.

The Cortex-M4 multiplies perform a 32×32 to 64 bit multiply, and then discard the low 32 bits, with proper round off.  That turns out to be exactly the right thing for managing the huge values of x raised to an increasing power, and the huge numbers of the factorials.  Since those divisions are by constants, it’s possible to multiply by the reciprocal to get the same effect.

So, here’s is the optimized code:

// High accuracy 11th order Taylor Series Approximation
// input is 0 to 0xFFFFFFFF, representing 0 to 360 degree phase
// output is 32 bit signed integer, top 25 bits should be very good
static int32_t taylor(uint32_t ph)
        int32_t angle, sum, p1, p2, p3, p5, p7, p9, p11;

        if (ph >= 0xC0000000 || ph < 0x40000000) {
                angle = (int32_t)ph; // valid from -90 to +90 degrees
        } else {
                angle = (int32_t)(0x80000000u - ph);
        p1 =  multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(angle << 1, 1686629713);
        p2 =  multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(p1, p1) << 3;
        p3 =  multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(p2, p1) << 3;
        sum = multiply_subtract_32x32_rshift32_rounded(p1 << 1, p3, 1431655765);
        p5 =  multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(p3, p2) << 1;
        sum = multiply_accumulate_32x32_rshift32_rounded(sum, p5, 286331153);
        p7 =  multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(p5, p2);
        sum = multiply_subtract_32x32_rshift32_rounded(sum, p7, 54539267);
        p9 =  multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(p7, p2);
        sum = multiply_accumulate_32x32_rshift32_rounded(sum, p9, 6059919);
        p11 = multiply_32x32_rshift32_rounded(p9, p2);
        sum = multiply_subtract_32x32_rshift32_rounded(sum, p11, 440721);
        return sum <<= 1;

On top of the 12 cycles for multiplies, there’s a few bit shifts, and a quick conditional test which subtracts from a constant.  That’s necessary because the Taylor series approximation applies only if the angle is between -pi/2 to +pi/2.  For the other half of the sine wave, that subtract maps back into the valid range, because the sine wave has symmetry.

This function takes a 32 bit angle, where 0 represents 0 degrees, and 0xFFFFFFFF is just before 360 degrees.  So the input is perfect for a DDS phase accumulator.  The output is a 32 bit signed integer, where 0x7FFFFFFF represents an amplitude of +1.0, and 0x80000001 represents -1.0.

This code will never return 0x80000000, so you don’t need to worry about that case.

I did quite a lot of testing while working out these constants and the bit shifts for correct numerical ranges.  I believe the top 25 bits are “perfect”.  Six of the low 7 bits are very close, but the approximation does diverge slightly as the angle approaches pi/2 magnitude.  The LSB is always zero, since the computation needs to have extra overhead range to accommodate values representing up to ~1.57 (pi/2) before the latter terms converge to the final accurate value.

For 8 bit AVR, this approach probably isn’t practical.  It probably isn’t practical on Cortex-M0+ either, since there’s no 32×32 multiply with 64 bit result.  Cortex-M3 does have such a multiply, but not in the convenient version that rounds off and discards the low 32 bits.  On Cortex-M4, this code runs very fast.  In fact, when executing at 100 MHz or faster, it might even rival the table lookup, since non-sequential flash accesses (for the table) usually involve a few wait states for a cache miss.  Then again, this code does have 6 integer constants, for the conversion to radians and the factorial coefficients… and depending on compiler flags and flash caching behavior, loading those 6 constants might be the slowest part of this algorithm?

I’m sure most people will still use table lookups.  Linear interpolation between the nearest 2 table entries is fast and gives a result good enough for most applications.  Often a large table is also works well enough, without interpolation.  But I wanted to take a moment to share this anyway, even if it is massively overkill for most applications.  Hope you find it interesting.

UPDATE: Josy Boelen mentioned alternate forms for Taylor series approximation which require fewer multiplies.  Whether these could also be optimized with the M4 DSP extension instructions (not keeping full 64 bit resolution at every step) could be a really interesting future project…


This article was originally published in January 2016 ( link) on the DorkbotPDX site.  Since then, the DorkbotPDX blog section has vanished.  I’m reposting it here with slight edits and a couple waveform plots, to preserve the info, and also because Michael Field recently asked for an article about these sorts of numerical approximations (which are rarely given as highly optimized fixed-point source code).



Mega/Due Shield Breakout Board

Daniel Gilbert (Tall Dog on Tindie) has developed a breakout board that let’s you easily use Arduino shields  with the Teensy 3.5 or Teensy 3.6

This convenient board includes all parts needed to assemble a breakout board that allows you to connect a Teensy 3.5 or Teensy 3.6 to shields designed for the Arduino Due and Mega.  It features switches to select between USB or external power as one to set the US host port’s power mode (used for the Teensy 3.6).

USB MIDI to 12 Gate and 16 Control Voltage Outputs

Sebastian Tomczak has improved his USB MIDI device from 8 gate and 16 CV outputs to 12 gate and 16 CV outputs.

This handy device has 16 control voltage (CV) outputs and 12 gate outputs.  USB MIDI channels 1 – 8 are mapped to CV outputs 1 – 16 for pitch and velocity, and gates 1 – 8 for note on and off events. Gates 9 – 12 are mapped to note on and off events only on channel 9, and also will send a sync and transport signal based on MIDI clock messages if received.

This is a new version of of a project we previously covered.

Schematics and a build guide are published on Sebastian’s blog.

Code for the project is available on GitHub.

PhOut12 – USB MIDI Motor Controller

Bryan Jacobs of Knick Knack Sound built PhOut12, a motor shield controlled through USB-MIDI.

The PhOut12 allows software traditionally used for music to control motors.  The board can control up to 12 DC motors, solenoids, or relays, and up to four servos.  It also has a couple of inputs for sensors, pedals, or knobs.  This versatile board offers a lot of options for adding sound control to your art project.

Code and schematics are available at Bryan Jacobs Music.

You can purchase a kit of parts of fully assembled board on Tindie.



Franck Galliat has developed XtsTinyBasicPlus to make it run on a Teensy ++ 2.0 and connect to a Cannon X-07 hand held computer.

XtsTinyBasicPlus is a fork of TinyBasic.  This version features support for an SSD1306 LCD screen, a uSD card reader, WiFi using the ESP8266 module, and 2 serial ports.  It can act as a little http server to execute an auto-script that outputs to a web browser.

Some additional information can be found on this blog page.

Code for the project is published on GitHub.


Ali Afshar (alialiali on the forum) built a chordboard – a nifty synth project that includes a drum sequencer.

Ali describes this labor or love project as playing the major keys of piano with the ability to change the key and mode.  It’s pretty easy to play and get a decent result.  It also features a drum sequencer, strings, chords, and other stuff.  The interface uses the oh so satisfying Cherry MX keys that have LEDs in them and a few pots to control things like tempo.

Audio Analyzer

Marcell Marosvolgvi made an audio analyzer using a Teensy 3.2 and Audio Shield.

This project uses a Teensy 3.2 to generate a sine wave and send the output to an audio shield.  Using a external loop, the data is fed back into the input of the shield and read by the Teensy and analyzed.  The data is then sent to a Raspberry Pi for graphing and displayed on a 7″ TFT display.

Code for the project is published on GitHub.


Hand-Eye Supply’s 2011 Starlight Parade Float

Many years ago, I helped with the electronics+software for Hand-Eye Supply’s Starlight Parade float, designed by Laurence Sarrazin.

It won the Parade’s “Sweepstakes Award – Best Illumination”!!! Here’s more news coverage and Core77’s announcement, detailed announcement and Behind-The-Scenes build story (with time lapse video).

This article was originally published in 2011 ( link) on the DorkbotPDX site.  Since then, the DorkbotPDX blog section has vanished.  I’m reposting it here, to preserve the info.  Even though LED strips are far more popular today than el wire, maybe this old info and code might still be useful?  What follows is the original text from June 2011, with as many links updated as possible.

The lighting wasn’t very bright, but there were 114 computer controlled circuits. It was really the only float in the whole parade where the lights “did something” (Robin’s description). Indeed they blinked and faded in lots of complex patterns.

The float was designed by Laurence Sarrazin of Hand-Eye Supply. The whole thing was her artistic vision!

Here’s an early blog post with many concept images. This is the one submitted to the Rose Festival.

The idea was animation, like this video she made.

Laurence talked with Steve who’s a Dorkbot regular, who put her in touch with Mykle. Of course, Mykle’s interested in all types of lighting, and he posted it to the mail list on April 22. We all met up for the first time on May 9th and agreed on a rough plan involving a number of the Sparkfun el wire controller boards. All the el wire and controllers arrived on Friday May 13, the day Hand-Eye held a big party to celebrate the launching of the project, or something like that.

I did the electronics and software design part from the 14th to the 19th, and dropped off 2 working controllers and picked up lots of parts that were ordered on the 16th and had just arrived.

Originally Mykle and I had planned to use a perl script (which Mykle would write) to convert an XML export of Laurence’s Adobe After Effects animation (eg, the one you see in that video on Vimeo).

Around that time, Laurence decided to switch to the Vixen DIY Christmas Lighting Software. Here’s a screenshot of what Vixen looks like:

Vixen comes with plugins to communicate with a number of controllers people have created, and one of them looked particularly promising…. the Renard protocol. Several controllers have been made with PIC chips to control ordinary incandescent lighting. None were available for el wire, but the protocol allowed plenty of channels and didn’t require super fast baud rates, and supported 255 brightness levels. So I decided to just program the Sparkfun controllers to accept Renard input.

The Sparkfun el wire controllers were very problematic, but they were pretty much the only off-the-shelf board available. If I had to do this all over again, I would NOT recommend them. I’d make my own.

Here is the firmware I wrote for the Sparkfun boards. It allows each board to be any 8 channels, between 1-8 to 113-120, by placing jumpers on the header on the left side of the board. The boards don’t come with this header… I added to to each of them. Here’s how the jumpers configured each board.

So, with 2 boards talking Renard protocol, on May 20th Laurence began a series of soldering parties. Here’s photos from the first soldering session, held at Hand-Eye Supply’s workshop.

(yup, that’s me soldering in this next photo… though I can’t recall what it was for, maybe a posed shot?)

Here’s a photo with a test (done a few days later) with just those first 2 boards. For about a week, only these first 2 boards were working while I modified all the others.

Mykle began work on a cable harness that would distribute data from a laptop running Vixen to all the el wire controller boards… 15 of them. Here’s a diagram of the harness design.

As you can see, the controllers are located in clusters. I mage a transmitter boards, using a Teensy 2.0 running the USB to Serial sketch, on a little hand-wired board with an opto coupler (who wants to hook a nice Mac laptop to a system of 15 high voltage el wire inverters?) and a 5 volt power supply, and buffer with poor-mans slew rate limiting (resistor-capacitor filter) to drive the long cable.

Somewhere shortly after the 20th, construction moved to ADX – which is a great space for building up a big project like this.

Here’s a photo of one of the early soldering parties at ADX.

Here’s a photo from May 29th, as the bamboo pieces were starting to be assembled, and the steel which would be welded into the entire frame of the float had just arrived…

The electronics were all delivered on May 23rd for a full system test. There was a last minute problem with the cable, so only 2 boards were able to receive communication on the 23rd. Here’s that test, where I’m checking to see if the Sparkfun boards are having more troubles.

Mykle made some changes to the cable, and on May 24 the entire electronics package was verified to be working. I believe this was the only time, except for only an hour before the parade, where all the el wire was actually hooked up!

Building a float is a lot of work!!! I wasn’t really involved in the construction much, until the weekend of the parade. Laurence had quite a crew of dedicated volunteers, many of them students from the art institute. They put in a lot of work building the whole thing.

Not only did they build a huge number of these flowing structures from bamboo, but the entire frame of the float was welded together from raw steel. Pretty amazing. I wasn’t involved in any of this part. These photos were taken by ADX.

I stopped by on Thursday, June 2nd (2 days before the parade), and June 3rd (the night before, while ADX was having a huge grand opening party). Robin & I met there, I dropped off some parts and we had dinner out. Robin being so understanding about projects like this was ok with me staying there after our dinner out and working on it pretty late.

Here we are right before going out to dinner, and Robin’s really hungry and waiting while we try to figure out how the electronics will attach!

I went by Saturday (the date of the parade) and helped from about noon until the parade. Most of the lights were on the float, but none wired to the controllers, which had just been mounted that morning! I spent much of the time getting Mykle’s cable connected, and one of the groups of controllers had to be remounted for the cable to reach. It’s amazing how many little things all need to be solved.

As things wrapped up at ADX late in the afternoon, we lit up the lights for the first time actually on the float, and it was indeed an awesome moment seeing it was indeed going to work, even if less than half had been wired in by that point.

Getting the float from ADX to the parade staging are was another adventure… one for some else to write…….. Here’s a photo of the last part I saw at ADX, as it was being wheeled out onto the street to be (somehow) attached to a truck.

I actually left as they were hooking it to a truck to go meet up with Robin in NW for dinner near the parade. The brought it across the river to the parade staging area while Robin and I had dinner.

We both helped, and in those last few hours and amazing number of wires were all attached…. Beer was consumed too. 🙂

Tobias had created a number of sequences in Vixen. Sadly, there hadn’t been any time to test them with the wires attached, and efforts to map out which wires were on which channels just weren’t feasible in the daylight. El wire just isn’t really bright. Still, it was pretty impressive, if much more randomly flashing than the animations Laurence had originally envisioned.

With everything in place, Robin and I left and walked a few blocks to the beginning of the parade and set up a couple camping chair Robin had packed. We had a pretty good view.

Just as the parade was starting and the first couple (of many) marching bands went by, my phone rang. The computer had crashed and the float wasn’t working. I ran back. It was a mac and Windows was running in a virtual machine, so at least the host OS was fine. Somehow Windows had crashed. Some fiddling, plugging in to the different ports and installing drivers fixed the problem.

I returned to Robin and as the parade went by, I was a little worried it wasn’t dark enough for the el wire. Luckily, Hand-Eye Supply was #82 in the parade, so they entered around 9:30 and it was quite a bit darker by them. It still wasn’t nearly as bright, but the lights did flash and fade in lots of patterns.

With so much coming together so quickly in just a few weeks, with all those wires connected within hours of the parade, I was pretty amazed it worked. Then today, Mykle emailed the KGW story that Hand-Eye Supply’s float won the 1st place award!! 🙂