Wobble Sphere

Experimental hardware game developer Robin Baumgarten’s latest creation, the Wobble Sphere, makes creative use of 72 touch-sensitive door stopper springs, each outlined in an LED ring that reacts when the stopper is touched.

Not only does each individual ring react, but the surrounding rings react as well, allowing users to create colorful patterns that can move throughout the sculpture bringing it to life. The Wobble Sphere builds on some of Baumgarten’s previous designs which also incorporate touch reactive door stopper springs. As Baumgarten mentions in a recent tweet, the  project was created during the 2020 Covid19 pandemic and the shape of the wobble spherea globe with spikesmay seem a bit familiar (only this is the kind of corona structure you want to touch!)

Baumgarten mentions in a Teensy forum post that to create the project he used a Teensy 4.0 and 72 neopixel rings. He’s also posted a behind-the-scenes documentation of the making of the project on his website for those who’d like to learn more about the project’s construction or ogle the beautiful artwork by Caitlin Goodale on the custom PCBs inside the sculpture.

Baumgarten has created many playful interactive art installations over the years incorporating everything from LED reactive springs to kitchen knives.

Augie – A Large Hexapod Robot

James Harton has created a hexapod robot that is large enough for him to ride around town like an electric scooter.  The design was influenced by the sick ride of a villain in an anime series he was watching with his kids.

hexapod robot

In an entertaining and relatable rundown of the project shared to Hackster.io, Harton discusses the ups and downs of his design process from poorly performing budget equipment to shelling out for a 3D printer and lasercutter to get the job done. In this way, he describes how the robot grew from a small model using parts 3D printed at the local library and a handful of 9g toy servos to its current form which includes robust, poseable 3D printed legs that use 60 kg servos driven by a Teensy 4.0. Programming for this project is still in progress, but in the meantime he has posted his Fusion360 files for anyone who would like to manufacture their own hexapod or a similar robot.

Development platform


Sherbet, an Ergonomic Gaming Keypad

Sherbet is a DIY ergonomic and stylish keypad custom designed for gaming. When developer and electronics hobbyist Colin also known as “Billiam” had to retire his Logitech G13 keyboard, he decided to build his own custom gaming keyboard from scratch.

The 3D printed keyboard features a unique curved design for the keys and an attached arm rest. A small joystick is also embedded just where the thumb would naturally rest. The design is named for a stripe of colorful sherbet paint that wraps around the keyboard’s base giving it a unique and playful design.

The project is driven by a Teensy 3.2 and Billiam provides excellent detailed instructions in his blog on every part of the process from prototyping the keys and arm rest to finishing the complete board. Source code for the controller as well as print files are also offered on Billiam’s site, giving visitors everything they’d need to know to build their own Sherbet (or Tangerine or Chartreuse, if you will). Billiam’s website also includes CNC projects and a music sequencer.

SmartLED Shield for Teensy 4

Pixelmatix has made a new SmartLED Shield capable of driving large 128×64 LED panels at 240 Hz refresh & 36 bit color!

This shield is currently being made available on Crowd Supply.

The SmartMatrix library offers amazing features. 36 and 48 bit color can be used, or 24 bit color can be automatically expanded with gamma curves for color correction, good contrast, smooth gradients.  Larger 128×128 HUB75 LED panels can also be used at lower refresh rates.

Much of this is made possible by Eric Eason’s work with FlexIO and DMA on Teensy 4.

Complete details & discussion are on this forum thread and the Crowd Supply project page.



DIY Neutron Orgone Accumulator Synthesizer Module

The Neutron Orgone Accumulator is a unique complex digital oscillator built by J.Matheson who uses usernames Neutron7 and jakplugg.

Basic operation involves the mixing of a core of three waveforms which can be dynamically scanned. Modulation and effects can be applied to produce sound. The first version of the build is documented on the Muffwiggler forums, with a beta version of the build guide available as a PDF.

There is a high performance version of 2.0 firmware designed to work with Teensy 3.1 at 144Mhz overclock. It will increase the sample and calculation rate from 50khz to 90.909khz. Details of the newer version and relevant code can be found on Github.

Steve Batz made a build of the module and documented the process in detail on his blog and in this video on his Facebook page.




Restored IBM Bigfoot Keyboard

Forum user jacethesaltsculptor has shared the process of restoring IBM’s iconic 5291 Model F “bigfoot” keyboard using a Teensy 2.0.

They have also created a handy PDF guide for those who are interested in attempting their own retro keyboard restorations. In the project, the Teensy 2.0 is wired directly to the PCB using jumper wires and the keyboard is connected using a custom cable from Dream Cables.

The Model F, originally produced in 1981 and manufactured until 1994, features capacitive buckling springs, terminal command line keys, and an extra large bevel surface for which it received its nickname. One of the heaviest keyboards ever manufactured, the board weighs in at 3.1 kilograms not including its 15 pin terminal connector.

Jacethesaltsculptor ordered the keyboard online and documents the process of restoration from unboxing to finish on Imgur. Also included are some photos of the original user manual offering tips on how to safely use the keyboard alongside some excellent retro 80s illustrations.

Hatsune Miku Cosplay

Genesis Engineering created a light-up Hatsune Miku costume for a friend attending Miku Expo 2020 in Europe.

Teensy 3.6 was used to drive the WS2812 RGB LEDs in the 3D-printed headset as well as the LEDs, OLED, and TFT in the sleeves. The costume also includes a light up badge and square PLA hair ornaments. According to the creator who shared the behind the scenes of the design process to our forum, the sleeves are modeled after Yamaha DX100 and DX7 keyboards and can play Vocaloid sound samples loaded onto an SD card using Teensy’s audio library.

Genesis Engineering is a company based in Paris that in addition to engineering excellent interactive cosplay also makes laser harps.

SENSEI – Multidimensional Sound Synthesizer

Maker, researcher, and music enthusiast Oscar Oomens created this beautiful and unusual synthesizer called the SENSEI for his bachelor’s thesis. The synth features a custom touch interface and wearable gyroscope that allow the user to “shape” sound in multiple dimensions.

The synth features a custom touch interface and wearable gyroscope that allow the user to “shape” sound in multiple dimensions. The main inputs aside from the keys are a joystick with three Force Sensitive Resistors (FSRs) on the grip that Oomens suggests provide control for new sound characteristics including: distance, form, sharpness, richness, and color. A capacitive ring around the joystick allows parameters to be locked and a gyroscopic ring attached to a bracelet allows the user to add vibrato to the touch keyboard and pitch bend segments. Users can also transpose octaves using + and – buttons towards the top of the board.

The board itself is stunning in its manufacture featuring embedded LEDs and soft silicone keys set into wood. Oscar was kind enough to share his parts list in our forum and has added some lovely photos to an Instagram album.