MAD 1.1 Eurorack Module

With over ten thousand Eurorack modules already available in the world, you’d want to be MAD to create a whole new suite of them.

But Michele Perla is just our type of bonkers, and has created a set of Modular Audio Devices that work together as a bridge between analog synths, MIDI keyboards, PCs, and audio interfaces.

The Teensy 3.6-powered CORE module features USB communication with a host PC, 5-pin DIN MIDI in and out jacks, eight CV outs, 8 gate outs, one clock in and one clock out, and a TFT display with four potentiometers for configuration. The “lite” version features a Teensy 3.2.

The CTRL module connects to the CORE via I2C, and adds up to 24 analog sensors, buttons and LEDs, with three address bit jumpers allowing up to eight CTRL modules to be used together. The intuitively-named CODEC module adds an AK4558 CODEC featuring stereo inputs and outputs, as well as a headphone jack, and aux in/out connectors. VCO, VCF, and VCA modules flesh out the line completely.

A demonstration of the CORE prototype can be found in the video below, with more information available on Hackaday, Facebook, and Instagram.