Step 6-B, Chips and Sockets
Step 6-B, Component List
Quantity | Color | Components |
1 | Red | IC, TDA2822, Dual Audio Amplifier |
1 | Blue | IC, 74HC373, Octal D-Latch |
1 | Green | IC, MAX232, RS-232 Interface, 5 Volt |
1 | Yellow | IC, 74HC165, Parallel-In, Serial-Out Shift Register |
1 | Orange | Socket, 44 PLCC and IC, 87C52 Microcontrller, Programmed With PM2_MP3.HEX |
1 | Violet | Socket, 32 PLCC and IC, 39LV010, Flash ROM, 128Kx8 |
1 | Brown | Socket, 84 PLCC and IC, XCS10XL, Field Programmable Gate Array |
1 | Cyan | Socket, 72 Pin SIMM |
Step 6-B, Notes
Double check the socket orientations before soldering, as it can be very
difficult to de-solder a component with so many pins. The PLCC sockets
must align with their diagonal corner as shown, and the SIMM socket must
have pin 1 facing the left.
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