OSU8 Microprocessor
CPU Programming
Hardware Info
Xilinx Implementation
Address Decoder
OSU8 Core
Normal Size
Large Size
8-Bit Data ALU
16-Bit Addr ALU
Control State Machine
State Register
Bus Control
B Register
Status Bits
Operand Register
Program Counter
Stack Pointer
P1 Pointer
P2 Pointer
16-Bit Equals
Temp Register
8-Bit Zero
8-Bit, ALU
8-Bit, Din
8-Bit, TMP-h
8-Bit, TMP-l
8-Bit, Operand
16-Bit, B to C
16-Bit, C to D
16-Bit, P1 A
16-Bit, P1 C
16-Bit, P2 A
16-Bit, P2 C
16-Bit, PC A
16-Bit, PC C
16-Bit, SP A
16-Bit, SP C
16-Bit, 8 to D
Full Hierarchy Index
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Tri-State Buffer, 8-Bit Data to 16-Bit Address Bus (D)
This tri-state buffer allows the main 8 bit data bus to drive the
16D bus, that is an input to all four 16-bit registers. This is
used to copy 8-bit data into either half of any 16 bit register.
This buffer circuit drives the 8-bits onto boths halves of the
16-bit bus.