Audio Tutorial Kit

AUDIO_TUTORIAL Assembled kit for audio tutorial $60.00

Sorry, we are unable to keep offering this fully assembled kit during the COVID-19 pandemic. But you can buy the extra parts kit and build your own. We to plan to bring this kit back in the future, when more labor hours are available to build them.

Inventory Status:Out Of Stock
Last physical count:Jan 21, 2025

This fully assembled and tested kit gives you the hardware needed to do the Teensy Audio library tutorial. No soldering required. It's fully tested and ready to use.

Includes: Teensy 3.2, audio adaptor, 14x1D headers, breadboard, 25K pot, microphone, SD card pre-loaded with sound files, 3 pushbuttons, 2 sturdy pots, wires installed in the breadboard, and extra wires (not shown here) for the TFT display. The Teensy, audio adaptor, microphone and pots are fully assembled, so no soldering is needed. We fully test this kit before shipping, so you can start the tutorial with known-good hardware.

Does not include: TFT display, USB Micro-B cable, headphones, printed manual.

Step-By-Step Tutorial / Workshop Manual

Updated for Teensy 4.0 with Arduino 2.0.x and Teensyduino 1.58 or later.

Download the updated PDF manual and print for easy reference while doing the tutorial.

Original for Teensy 3.2 with Arduino 1.6.6 and Teensyduino 1.26: Download the old PDF manual

Some basic experience with Arduino is recommended. No programming skill is assumed.

Typically 3 to 5 hours are needed to complete all this tutorial material, depending on Arduino experience and how much of the optional extra material and experimentation is pursued.

If you have only a Teensy 3.x board but not audio shield, see this forum thread about doing the tutorial without the audio shield.

Video Walkthrough by Paul & Alysia

We recorded this demo of all the tutorial material. You can see every step quickly. Like a video game walkthrough, you can still learn and experience so much more from actual hands-on experience.

Virtual Workshops by Alex Glow

Alex Glow at recorded all the tutorial material live and unrehearsed. Alex's virtual workshop videos can give you a very authentic look at this tutorial experience.

Workshop History